[PATCH] update aeolus-image to support both ruby 1.8 and 1.9

Martyn Taylor mtaylor at redhat.com
Thu Apr 19 12:02:20 UTC 2012

Hi Mo,

As we discussed I've had a few issues with conductor and aeolus-image 
with your patches on fedora 17.  I tried to get this working with manual 
setup but still having issues.  Unfortunately I'm going to have to nack 
this patch set until some of the issues are solved.  I've put a list 
below with some output.



* We have 1 test failure in aeolus-image.


   1) Aeolus::Image::Warehouse::WarehouseModel#== when other object has 
the same instance variables list with the same values
      Failure/Error: it { subject.==(other_warehouse_model).should be_true }
        expected false to be true
      # ./spec/models/warehouse/warehouse_model_spec.rb:41:in `block (5 
levels) in <module:Warehouse>'

Finished in 0.45152 seconds
109 examples, 1 failure, 4 pending

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/models/warehouse/warehouse_model_spec.rb:41 # 
Aeolus::Image::Warehouse::WarehouseModel#== when other object has the 
same instance variables list with the same values
rake aborted!

* Conductor migrations fail:

rake aborted!
couldn't parse YAML at line 386 column 54

Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
[martyn at vm1 src]$ rake db:migrate --trace
Using gem require instead of bundler
========= cucumber/test env deps loaded... ==========
** Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
Failed to load 
/home/martyn/aeolus-tests/conductor/src/config/oauth.json, continuing 
without OAuth support. Run rake dc:oauth_keys and restart Conductor to 
** Execute db:migrate
rake aborted!
couldn't parse YAML at line 386 column 54

* We require shadow rubygem for aoelus-configure, puppet dep

* Need to update the conductor spec to remove the fastercsv dependency

On 04/17/2012 04:59 PM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Dne 17.4.2012 16:53, Michal Fojtik napsal(a):
>> On 04/17/12, Vít Ondruch wrote:
>>>>> I found personally this change to use relate path very frustrating in
>>>>> Ruby
>>>>> 1.9. Fortunately there is a 'helper' in Ruby 1.9 that you can use to
>>>>> stop
>>>>> playing with $. variables:
>>>>> require_relative 'rake/rpmtask'
>>>>> In MRI1.8 there is no such method, but in Ruby you can just add it 
>>>>> :-)
>>>>> unless Kernel.respond_to?(:require_relative)
>>>>> module Kernel
>>>>>    def require_relative(path)
>>>>>      require File.join(File.dirname(caller[0]), path.to_str)
>>>>>    end
>>>>> end
>>>>> end
>>>>> -- Michal
>>>> I like this approach, and woudl suggest we do the same - we may want
>>>> to consider a -compat package to hold this kind of stuff for ruby 1.8,
>>>> otherwise we end up with lots of projects duplicating this same block
>>>> of code.  Just a thought.
>>> https://rubygems.org/gems/backports
>> Thanks Vit for this. Is there any chance to have this packaged? :-)
> Of course there is chance, if that is the preferred choice ...
> Vit

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