RFC Feature Planning: Add Permission Grant list to User Profile and UserGroup details

Jan Provazník jprovazn at redhat.com
Thu Apr 5 15:38:07 UTC 2012

On 04/04/2012 11:35 PM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 04:01:49PM -0400, Scott Seago wrote:
>> On 04/04/2012 03:18 PM, Matt Wagner wrote:
>>> On Tue, Apr 03, 2012 at 02:08:53PM +0200, Jan Provaznik wrote:
>>>> -1 for this (+1 for doing this on background), I experienced many
>>>> situations when customer's LDAP server was responding too slow.
>>>> Typical real-life situation is: LDAP is used for SMTP auth, SMTP
>>>> server is overloaded ->   LDAP responses are slow. IOW slow LDAP is
>>>> much more common then it would be expected.
>>> I think I actually agree with Jan, but just to play devil's advocate...
>>> I don't believe it's ever safe to cache LDAP data, because we have no
>>> way of knowing when it changes. We could cache things for the duration
>>> of a method call (like Rails does with SQL in controllers), but I think
>>> anything beyond that is technically unsafe. And it's not like we're
>>> concerned about possibly serving a blog post a couple of seconds after
>>> it's deleted -- we're talking about caching security information with
>>> having no way of knowing when what we've cached becomes out of date.
>> You're acting as devil's advocate for a proposal  that wasn't one of
>> the two options I'd proposed :-)
> I am practicing in case I decide to run for political office.
>> Both of my suggestions involved caching the results, to be considered
>> valid for some period of time. The only difference was whether we do
>> it on a set polling interval or if we cache it "on demand" -- i.e. on
>> the first demand for it, then use it for a bit until it's considered
>> "stale" again.
>> If we don't cache LDAP data, the whole proposal for denormalizing
>> permission design becomes invalid, since the idea is to have a direct
>> "grantee" list per object to filter on for list_for_user, etc.
> I'm still not convinced that caching LDAP group memberships is ever
> safe, though I suppose if the caching interval is very small (e.g., one
> minute), it's not exactly at "juggling chainsaws" levels.
>>> Continuing as devil's advocate for a moment, I would contend that if
>>> someone's LDAP server is slow, it's not our fault, and is in fact
>>> unavoidable, that our application will be slow during permission checks.
>>> And building on the SMTP auth example -- this implies that the
>>> mailserver is not caching LDAP information, because they deemed it
>>> unacceptable for spam to go to a user once their account is turned off,
>>> or for a new user to not receive mail for a few minutes. So surely, we
>>> shouldn't allow user to spin up (or terminate!) cloud instances after
>>> they were fired.
>> Hmm. Again my proposal (that Jan was objecting to) still cached --
>> but we cached "on demand" -- so every so often we'd potentially slow
>> down on a permissions check, then we'd be fast for a while until
>> things were considering stale.
> So on some level, I suppose, rather than objecting to one proposal, I
> was objecting to both of them. Although having talked about this a bit
> on IRC, I think we may have found a way to make this workable. (More
> further down the email.)
>>> At a previous employer, the practice was to move employees who left the
>>> company to the "Exited Users" Active Directory group, so even caching
>>> group membership is unsafe.
>> Well if you're caching for 30 seconds (or something similarly small)
>> you could argue that it's not unsafe -- would it really have mattered
>> if the admin had been 30 seconds later in moving the user to te
>> "exited users" group?
> I still think that it's ideologically wrong to cache this information
> for any length of time, but I have to agree that the pragmatic
> implications of caching something for under a minute are probably
> minimal. (Except for cases where an administrator has JUST added a user
> for the sole purpose of seeing the change in Conductor.)
>>> Poking around a bit, I'm seeing other projects where their "cache" was
>>> per-pageload -- along the lines of what I was saying with the Rails SQL
>>> cache, which only lives as long as the controller action. The next
>>> pageload will do the same queries.
>>> I started this off mostly playing devil's advocate, and being a big fan
>>> of caching. But in the course of doing so, I think I actually changed my
>>> mind, and come to the opinion that we really shouldn't be caching user
>>> authentication data. I think we need to re-query on every permission
>>> check, even if this is going to slow things down considerably. In
>>> practice this information changes relatively infrequently, but since we
>>> have no way of knowing WHEN it changes, I think that caching it in our
>>> database is unsafe and improper.
>> So we're not talking about authentication data here -- that's all in
>> the session still. But for group membership, with a short enough
>> timeout/refresh interval we're _probably_ safe -- we're talking about
>> "propagation time" rather than erroneous permission results, really.
> I'm not sure that group membership is any less of a big deal than a
> user's status in LDAP -- such as my example about a user who might move
> from the "IT Administrator" group to the "Terminated Employees" group.
> But in either case, if it's in the level that it's a "propagation time"
> I think we can probably get away with it.
>> That said, we could do it in another way that avoid caching group
>> membership entirely (but it does complicate the permission checks,
>> preventing us from gaining the full benefit of the denormalization).
> I should use this opportunity to note that I'm talking about what I
> think is "right" in an academic/theoretical sense, not necessarily the
> pragmatically-best solution. So please don't take this as vociferous
> disagreement.
>> Essentially we could do the following:
>> 1) denormalize _inherited_ permission relations as planned (i.e.
>> explicit records on the instance for users and groups with access
>> from whatever level in the hierarchy
>> 2) do _not_ denormalize group members in the above -- i.e. if "Joe"
>> is in the "Engineering Management" group, and "Engineering
>> Management" has the "Pool Administrator" role in the Engineering
>> pool, and we have a "Redmine" deployment in that pool then we would
>> not have a denormalized permission record for "(Joe, Pool
>> Administrator, Redmine)" -- we would only have one for "(Engineering
>> Management Group, Pool Administrator, Redmine)"
> Not to bleed both of your tasks together, but I also have a feature
> planning page for caching various data in memcache. It may very well be
> much better to denormalize this data as you have proposed, but just
> thought I'd mention that stuffing group lists in memcache may be another
> option. (Although since you can't exactly do joins on memcache keys, I'm
> not sure this would buy us anything here.)
>> 3) for permissions checks, instead of simply doing a lookup on the
>> denormalized table for Joe, we'd have to look for both Group and
>> invididual grants, after pulling the current group assignments for
>> the current user
>> i.e. my proposal would leave just this for base permission checks:
>>    return true obj.derived_permissions.find(:first, :include =>  [:role
>> =>  :privileges],
>>                  :conditions =>  ["derived_permissions.user_id=:user and
>>                                  privileges.target_type=:target_type and
>>                                   privileges.action=:action",
>>                                  { :user =>  user.id,
>>                                     :target_type =>  target_type.name,
>>                                               :action =>  action}])
>> Instead we'd first need to pull the user's LDAP group list, and then
>> join _twice_ with permissions, once verifying user =>  user.id, and
>> again verifying group in user.groups
> Indeed, this bit sounds like it would just make things a huge nightmare,
> both to code and performance-wise.
> I do want to conclude by noting that I'm not necessarily opposed to this
> idea, and I certainly don't vehemently oppose it. It's just that the
> notion of caching LDAP data "feels wrong" and seems like it could
> present some challenges, so I want to make sure it is, indeed, a
> necessarily evil.
> -- Matt

Then it would be nice to have caching optional. So if caching is off, 
groups involved in the permission which is being checked are fetched 
from LDAP. If caching is on, denormalized perms table is used. Though 
this probably makes things too difficult to implement?

About caching itself - it's used in many other tools, for example nscd 
which is heavily used. Or even openldap server uses time interval for 
replication. I consider this "propagation time" (or however we call it) 
as common feature and a 1m (actually configurable) delay before changes 
are propagated to Conductor sounds acceptable to me.


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