RFC: Dbomatic testability and performance

Richard Su rwsu at redhat.com
Mon Apr 2 23:25:45 UTC 2012


Here's a start of a feature outline. Contents of the wiki page is listed 

What I am unsure of is which part of dbomatic performance needs 
addressing? From my limited experience, I have seen potential issues 
with RHEV and the speed in which it starts instances. But that may have 
been specific to the environment I was using.

If you have experienced issues with dbomatic, this would be a great time 
to get them out in the open so that we may include them in this 
refactoring of dbomatic.



# Summary

Dbomatic is currently responsible for updating instance statuses and ip 
addresses and updating realms. It also starts freshly created RHEV 

We do not have any test coverage for dbomatic and it is written in a way 
that makes testing it difficult. We would like to refactor dbomatic to 
make it more readable and in a way that allows us to plug in tests.

As part of the refactoring, we should also explore ways to improve its 
performance. For example, there is currently a 30 second time window 
allocated for each provider account where dbomatic communicates with 
deltacloud to perform status update, launch instances, etc. This 30 
second window may be too short especially if dbomatic is asked to launch 
a large number of RHEV instances.

# Owner

Richard Su (rwsu)
and others who have interest

# Current status

Planning phase

# Screencast Demo

Run dbomatic tests.
Demonstrate dbomatic can handle status updates and launches where they 
are a large number of instances. This can be through a unit test.

# Implementation tasks

This feature is being tracked at task #3094.

Tests to add

* State change reported by deltacloud is then reported in dbomatic
* Verify extraction and population of public and private ip addresses
* For RHEV, verify instance that is in STOPPED state and had previously 
not been in running state is then started
* Realms refresh
* When provider is unavailable, dbomatic stays up and doesn't fail and exit

Performance related tasks

* Dbomatic should not timeout if is asked to launch a large number of 
RHEV instances. Mock out a delay to simulate RHEV instance starts. 
Eliminate the 30 second deltacloud timeouts.
* Profile RHEV instance launch performance from dbomatic, and optimize 
code where needed.

# Open Questions

* Which part of dbomatic performance are we worried about?

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