[PATCH aeolus-cli 9/9] Add tests for new methods in Aeolus::CLI::ImportCommand

Petr Blaho pblaho at redhat.com
Thu Dec 22 22:05:55 UTC 2011

 examples/bad_image_description.xml  |    3 +
 spec/command/import_command_spec.rb |  197 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 examples/bad_image_description.xml

diff --git a/examples/bad_image_description.xml b/examples/bad_image_description.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82c3b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/bad_image_description.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  <name>Test Image</name>
diff --git a/spec/command/import_command_spec.rb b/spec/command/import_command_spec.rb
index bf3e922..1e8c5ee 100644
--- a/spec/command/import_command_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/command/import_command_spec.rb
@@ -17,43 +17,182 @@ require 'spec_helper'
 module Aeolus
   module CLI
     describe ImportCommand do
-      before(:each) do
-        @options = { :id => "ami-5592553c",
-                     :target => ["ec2"],
-                     :provider_account => ["ec2-us-east-1"],
-                     :description => "<image><name>MyImage</name></image>"}
-      end
+      let( :description ) { "<image><name>MyImage</name></image>" }
+      let( :options ) { { :id => "ami-5592553c",
+        :target => ["ec2"],
+        :provider_account => ["ec2-us-east-1"],
+        :description => description } }
+      let( :importc ) { ImportCommand.new( options ) }
       describe "#import_image" do
-        it "should import an image with default description values" do
-          VCR.use_cassette('command/import_command/import_image_default') do
-            importc = ImportCommand.new(@options)
-            begin
-              importc.import_image
-            rescue SystemExit => e
-              e.status.should == 0
+        context "without description parameter" do
+          let( :options ) { { :id => "ami-5592553c",
+            :target => ["ec2"],
+            :provider_account => ["ec2-us-east-1"] } }
+          it "should import an image with default description value" do
+            VCR.use_cassette('command/import_command/import_image_default') do
+              begin
+                importc.import_image
+              rescue SystemExit => e
+                e.status.should == 0
+              end
+              $stdout.string.should include("Image:")
+              $stdout.string.should include("Target Image:")
+              $stdout.string.should include("Build:")
+              $stdout.string.should include("Provider Image:")
-            $stdout.string.should include("Image:")
-            $stdout.string.should include("Target Image:")
-            $stdout.string.should include("Build:")
-            $stdout.string.should include("Provider Image:")
-        it "should import an image with file description" do
-          VCR.use_cassette('command/import_command/import_image_description_file') do
-            @options[:description]  = 'spec/sample_data/image_description.xml'
-            importc = ImportCommand.new(@options)
-            begin
-              importc.import_image
-            rescue SystemExit => e
-              e.status.should == 0
+        context "with description parameter" do
+          context "as a string" do
+            context "in correct format" do
+              let( :description ) { "<image><name>MyImage</name></image>" }
+              it "should import an image with provided description value" do
+                VCR.use_cassette('command/import_command/import_image_default') do
+                  begin
+                    importc.import_image
+                  rescue SystemExit => e
+                    e.status.should == 0
+                  end
+                  $stdout.string.should include("Image:")
+                  $stdout.string.should include("Target Image:")
+                  $stdout.string.should include("Build:")
+                  $stdout.string.should include("Provider Image:")
+                end
+              end
+            end
+            context "in incorrect format" do
+              let( :description ) { "<badimage><name>MyImage</name></badimage>" }
+              it "should not import an image at all" do
+                VCR.use_cassette('command/import_command/import_image_default') do
+                  begin
+                    importc.import_image
+                  rescue SystemExit => e
+                    e.status.should == 1
+                  end
+                  $stdout.string.should include("ERROR")
+                  $stdout.string.should include("Invalid description")
+                end
+              end
-            $stdout.string.should include("Image:")
-            $stdout.string.should include("Target Image:")
-            $stdout.string.should include("Build:")
-            $stdout.string.should include("Provider Image:")
+          context "as a file" do
+            context "which exists" do
+              context "and contains correct xml" do
+                let( :description ) { 'examples/image_description.xml' }
+                it "should import an image with file description" do
+                  VCR.use_cassette('command/import_command/import_image_description_file') do
+                    begin
+                      importc.import_image
+                    rescue SystemExit => e
+                      e.status.should == 0
+                    end
+                    $stdout.string.should include("Image:")
+                    $stdout.string.should include("Target Image:")
+                    $stdout.string.should include("Build:")
+                    $stdout.string.should include("Provider Image:")
+                  end
+                end
+              end
+              context "and does not contain correct xml" do
+                let( :description ) { 'examples/bad_image_description.xml' }
+                it "should not import an image at all" do
+                  VCR.use_cassette('command/import_command/import_image_description_file') do
+                    begin
+                      importc.import_image
+                    rescue SystemExit => e
+                      e.status.should == 1
+                    end
+                    $stdout.string.should include("ERROR")
+                    $stdout.string.should include("Invalid description")
+                  end
+                end
+              end
+            end
+            context "which does not exists" do
+              let( :description ) { 'examples/no_file_image_description.xml' }
+              it "should not import an image at all" do
+                VCR.use_cassette('command/import_command/import_image_description_file') do
+                  begin
+                    importc.import_image
+                  rescue SystemExit => e
+                    e.status.should == 1
+                  end
+                  $stdout.string.should include("ERROR")
+                  $stdout.string.should include("Invalid description")
+                end
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      describe "#import_params_valid!" do
+        subject { lambda { importc.send( :import_params_valid!, params ) } }
+        context "correct params" do
+          let( :params ) { { :id => "ami-5592553c",
+            :target => ["ec2"],
+            :provider_account => ["ec2-us-east-1"],
+            :description => description } }
+          it { subject.call.should be_true }
+        end
+        context "missing parameter" do
+          let( :params ) { { :id => "ami-5592553c",
+            :provider_account => ["ec2-us-east-1"],
+            :description => description } }
+          it { should raise_error(ArgumentError, /missing/) }
+        end
+        context "unexpected parameter" do
+          let( :params ) { { :id => "ami-5592553c",
+            :target => ["ec2"],
+            :provider_account => ["ec2-us-east-1"],
+            :other_parameter => "other_value",
+            :description => description } }
+          it { should raise_error(ArgumentError, /unexpected/) }
+        end
+        context "any parameter is nil" do
+          let( :params ) { { :id => "ami-5592553c",
+            :target => nil,
+            :provider_account => ["ec2-us-east-1"],
+            :other_parameter => "other_value",
+            :description => description } }
+          it { should raise_error(ArgumentError, /params should not contain nil/) }
+        end
+        context "parameters is not a Hash" do
+          let( :params ) { "ami-5592553c" }
+          it { should raise_error(TypeError, /params should be Hash instead/) }
+        end
+      end
+      describe "validate_description_xml!" do
+        subject { lambda { importc.send( :validate_description_xml!, xml ) } }
+        context "with correct xml" do
+          let( :xml ) { "<image><name>XML-NAME</name></image>" }
+          it { subject.call.should be_true }
+        end
+        context "with incorrect xml" do
+          let( :xml ) { "<badimage><name>XML-NAME</name></badimage>" }
+          it { should raise_error( ArgumentError, /Invalid description/ ) }

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