explanation of the three patches I sent to list just now.

Steve Linabery slinaber at redhat.com
Wed Dec 21 21:49:34 UTC 2011

Hello aeolus,

I just sent three patches to aeolus-devel with subject: Changes to build behavior in rpmtask.rb, Rakefile

The reason we need these patches is that the previous behaviour of 'rake rpms' for aeolus-configure, aeolus-cli, and aeolus-image-rubygem was to include the timestamp+githash in the generated rpm (and srpm) *name*, but to leave the extra_release info *out* of the specfile that was included in the generated rpm and srpm.

This becomes an issue when using a build system that tags the source commits based on the content of the specfile in the commit.

I also made it so that the extra_release is included/generated when Release == 0, but excluded when Release != 0. This is more in keeping with how the Makefile for conductor works, i.e. any time Release == 0 is considered a development snapshot build, and the timestamp/githash are then included.

To test (and feel free to test it for me, hint hint!), just do 'rake rpms' with Release set to 0 and 1 and observe the resulting rpms.


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