[PATCH aeolus-cli] BZ#767074 Fix print_provider_content method for delete with no provider content

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Tue Dec 20 17:29:01 UTC 2011

On 20/12/11 14:48 +0000, mtaylor at redhat.com wrote:
>From: Martyn Taylor <mtaylor at redhat.com>
> lib/aeolus_cli/command/delete_command.rb           |   42 ++++++++++---------
> spec/command/delete_command_spec.rb                |   41 +++++++++++++++++++
> .../delete_build_no_provider_content.yml           |   42 ++++++++++++++++++++
> .../delete_image_no_provider_content.yml           |   42 ++++++++++++++++++++
> .../delete_target_image_no_provider_content.yml    |   42 ++++++++++++++++++++
> 5 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
> create mode 100644 spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_build_no_provider_content.yml
> create mode 100644 spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_image_no_provider_content.yml
> create mode 100644 spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_target_image_no_provider_content.yml

Almost ACK, with one minor fix needed.  The error noted in the BZ is gone, but
there is a test failure:


   1) Aeolus::CLI::DeleteCommand Delete Failed Not Found should display
an appropriate message when the given image is not found
      Failure/Error: $stdout.string.should include("Could not find
Image 1234")
        expected "" to include "Could not find Image 1234"
      # ./spec/command/delete_command_spec.rb:127
      # ./spec/command/delete_command_spec.rb:119

Finished in 1.33 seconds
65 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/command/delete_command_spec.rb:118 #
Aeolus::CLI::DeleteCommand Delete Failed Not Found should display an
appropriate message when the given image is not found   

Upon manual testing, I found the same result.  If I deleted the image
with -I, it worked fine.  If I then tried it a second time (which
should give me feedback of not found), I got nothing back, error or

>diff --git a/lib/aeolus_cli/command/delete_command.rb b/lib/aeolus_cli/command/delete_command.rb
>index 54de83f..7343262 100644
>--- a/lib/aeolus_cli/command/delete_command.rb
>+++ b/lib/aeolus_cli/command/delete_command.rb
>@@ -70,36 +70,38 @@ module Aeolus
>             print_provider_content(response.body)
>             exit(0)
>           end
>         rescue => e
>-          handle_exception(e)
>+          exit(1)
>         end
>       end
>       private
>       def print_provider_content(content_xml)
>         h = Hash.from_xml(content_xml)
>-        provider_content = h[h.keys.first]["content"]["provider_content"]
>-        content = provider_content.instance_of?(Array) ? provider_content : [provider_content]
>-        if content.size > 0
>-          widths = calculate_widths(content)
>-          puts "N.B. The following provider content must be manually removed"
>-          puts ""
>-          # Print Headers
>-          printf("%-#{widths[:provider] + 5}s", "Provider")
>-          printf("%-#{widths[:id] + 5}s", "ID")
>-          puts ""
>+        if provider_content = h[h.keys.first]["content"]["provider_content"]
>+          content = provider_content.instance_of?(Array) ? provider_content : [provider_content]
>+          if content.size > 0
>+            widths = calculate_widths(content)
>+            puts "N.B. The following provider content must be manually removed"
>+            puts ""
>-          # Print Column Lines
>-          printf("%-#{widths[:provider] + 5}s", "-" * widths[:provider])
>-          printf("%-#{widths[:id] + 5}s", "-" * widths[:id])
>-          puts ""
>+            # Print Headers
>+            printf("%-#{widths[:provider] + 5}s", "Provider")
>+            printf("%-#{widths[:id] + 5}s", "ID")
>+            puts ""
>-          # Print Content
>-          content.each do |pc|
>-            printf("%-#{widths[:provider] + 5}s", pc["provider"])
>-            printf("%-#{widths[:id] + 5}s", pc["target_identifier"])
>+            # Print Column Lines
>+            printf("%-#{widths[:provider] + 5}s", "-" * widths[:provider])
>+            printf("%-#{widths[:id] + 5}s", "-" * widths[:id])
>             puts ""
>+            # Print Content
>+            content.each do |pc|
>+              printf("%-#{widths[:provider] + 5}s", pc["provider"])
>+              printf("%-#{widths[:id] + 5}s", pc["target_identifier"])
>+              puts ""
>+            end
>           end
>         end
>       end
>diff --git a/spec/command/delete_command_spec.rb b/spec/command/delete_command_spec.rb
>index 7325161..a15ac39 100644
>--- a/spec/command/delete_command_spec.rb
>+++ b/spec/command/delete_command_spec.rb
>@@ -73,6 +73,47 @@ module Aeolus
>         end
>       end
>+      context "Delete with no Provider Content" do
>+        it "should correctly return when deleting an image with no Provider Images" do
>+          VCR.use_cassette('command/delete_command/delete_image_no_provider_content') do
>+            @options = {:image => "af1b3773-b229-406a-b59c-f5f96ebc2d0b"}
>+            dc = DeleteCommand.new(@options)
>+            begin
>+              dc.image
>+            rescue SystemExit => e
>+              e.status.should == 0
>+            end
>+            $stdout.string.should include("Image: af1b3773-b229-406a-b59c-f5f96ebc2d0b Deleted Successfully")
>+          end
>+        end
>+        it "should correctly return when deleting build with no Provider Images" do
>+          VCR.use_cassette('command/delete_command/delete_build_no_provider_content') do
>+            @options = {:build => "85e1efd5-890a-422f-adfa-d340ddcae187"}
>+            dc = DeleteCommand.new(@options)
>+            begin
>+              dc.build
>+            rescue SystemExit => e
>+              e.status.should == 0
>+            end
>+            $stdout.string.should include("Build: 85e1efd5-890a-422f-adfa-d340ddcae187 Deleted Successfully")
>+          end
>+        end
>+        it "should correctly return when deleting a target image with no Provider Images" do
>+          VCR.use_cassette('command/delete_command/delete_target_image_no_provider_content') do
>+            @options = {:targetimage => "93bc6d11-6b09-4b1c-92a3-c580ca4f6f3b"}
>+            dc = DeleteCommand.new(@options)
>+            begin
>+              dc.target_image
>+            rescue SystemExit => e
>+              e.status.should == 0
>+            end
>+            $stdout.string.should include("Target Image: 93bc6d11-6b09-4b1c-92a3-c580ca4f6f3b Deleted Successfully")
>+          end
>+        end
>+      end
>       context "Delete Failed Not Found" do
>         it "should display an appropriate message when the given image is not found" do
>           VCR.use_cassette('command/delete_command/delete_image_not_found') do
>diff --git a/spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_build_no_provider_content.yml b/spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_build_no_provider_content.yml
>new file mode 100644
>index 0000000..854f6ef
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_build_no_provider_content.yml
>@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
>+- !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction
>+  request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request
>+    method: :delete
>+    uri: https://admin:password@localhost:443/conductor/api/builds/85e1efd5-890a-422f-adfa-d340ddcae187.xml
>+    body:
>+    headers:
>+      accept-language:
>+      - en
>+      accept:
>+      - application/xml
>+  response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response
>+    status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus
>+      code: 200
>+      message: OK
>+    headers:
>+      x-ua-compatible:
>+      - IE=Edge,chrome=1
>+      etag:
>+      - "\"d27ce6cf60644af5736fff88e6d73dda\""
>+      content-type:
>+      - application/xml; charset=utf-8
>+      server:
>+      - thin 1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy
>+      date:
>+      - Tue, 20 Dec 2011 14:35:06 GMT
>+      x-runtime:
>+      - "0.258616"
>+      set-cookie:
>+      - _session_id=BAh7CCIPc2Vzc2lvbl9pZCIlZDJkYWI3NDcwZGRlNjdiMTM3ODhjYzJhNjMwMmVjMTgiGXdhcmRlbi51c2VyLnVzZXIua2V5aQYiEGJyZWFkY3J1bWJzWwA%3D--cdf1db4ad503e7a2177a113543adc7d62c73cd51; path=/; HttpOnly
>+      cache-control:
>+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
>+      transfer-encoding:
>+      - chunked
>+    body: |
>+      <build href='https://localhost/conductor/api/images/85e1efd5-890a-422f-adfa-d340ddcae187' id='85e1efd5-890a-422f-adfa-d340ddcae187'>
>+      <status>DELETED</status>
>+      <content>
>+      </content>
>+      </build>
>+    http_version: "1.1
>\ No newline at end of file
>diff --git a/spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_image_no_provider_content.yml b/spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_image_no_provider_content.yml
>new file mode 100644
>index 0000000..c9f7b16
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_image_no_provider_content.yml
>@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
>+- !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction
>+  request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request
>+    method: :delete
>+    uri: https://admin:password@localhost:443/conductor/api/images/af1b3773-b229-406a-b59c-f5f96ebc2d0b.xml
>+    body:
>+    headers:
>+      accept-language:
>+      - en
>+      accept:
>+      - application/xml
>+  response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response
>+    status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus
>+      code: 200
>+      message: OK
>+    headers:
>+      x-ua-compatible:
>+      - IE=Edge,chrome=1
>+      etag:
>+      - "\"5d1bc3e7c96eba873098df89f4af1ee2\""
>+      content-type:
>+      - application/xml; charset=utf-8
>+      server:
>+      - thin 1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy
>+      date:
>+      - Tue, 20 Dec 2011 14:30:22 GMT
>+      x-runtime:
>+      - "0.309692"
>+      set-cookie:
>+      - _session_id=BAh7CCIPc2Vzc2lvbl9pZCIlZTJjNTVhZDliMTljMzUyOTZiMDFiOWZlYWVlNTU2OTgiGXdhcmRlbi51c2VyLnVzZXIua2V5aQYiEGJyZWFkY3J1bWJzWwA%3D--7db888b26ee555c9d51cad92eec0f20f725fd6f3; path=/; HttpOnly
>+      cache-control:
>+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
>+      transfer-encoding:
>+      - chunked
>+    body: |
>+      <image href='https://localhost/conductor/api/images/af1b3773-b229-406a-b59c-f5f96ebc2d0b' id='af1b3773-b229-406a-b59c-f5f96ebc2d0b'>
>+      <status>DELETED</status>
>+      <content>
>+      </content>
>+      </image>
>+    http_version: "1.1"
>\ No newline at end of file
>diff --git a/spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_target_image_no_provider_content.yml b/spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_target_image_no_provider_content.yml
>new file mode 100644
>index 0000000..717757b
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/spec/vcr/cassettes/command/delete_command/delete_target_image_no_provider_content.yml
>@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
>+- !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction
>+  request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request
>+    method: :delete
>+    uri: https://admin:password@localhost:443/conductor/api/target_images/93bc6d11-6b09-4b1c-92a3-c580ca4f6f3b.xml
>+    body:
>+    headers:
>+      accept-language:
>+      - en
>+      accept:
>+      - application/xml
>+  response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response
>+    status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus
>+      code: 200
>+      message: OK
>+    headers:
>+      x-ua-compatible:
>+      - IE=Edge,chrome=1
>+      etag:
>+      - "\"641448cca5a5780b18b324c7308ff65a\""
>+      content-type:
>+      - application/xml; charset=utf-8
>+      server:
>+      - thin 1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy
>+      date:
>+      - Tue, 20 Dec 2011 14:39:50 GMT
>+      x-runtime:
>+      - "0.204005"
>+      set-cookie:
>+      - _session_id=BAh7CCIPc2Vzc2lvbl9pZCIlNTNkZGFmNGNkOGZhNjQxZmI1Nzc5MTM3OTQxN2VjNTYiGXdhcmRlbi51c2VyLnVzZXIua2V5aQYiEGJyZWFkY3J1bWJzWwA%3D--b59985e00d69a7903bc134a51a9f1cd00edc276d; path=/; HttpOnly
>+      cache-control:
>+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
>+      transfer-encoding:
>+      - chunked
>+    body: |
>+      <target_image href='https://localhost/conductor/api/images/93bc6d11-6b09-4b1c-92a3-c580ca4f6f3b' id='93bc6d11-6b09-4b1c-92a3-c580ca4f6f3b'>
>+      <status>DELETED</status>
>+      <content>
>+      </content>
>+      </target_image>
>+    http_version: "1.1"
>\ No newline at end of file

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