Update Aeolus

Mo Morsi mmorsi at redhat.com
Tue Dec 13 19:03:40 UTC 2011

On 12/12/2011 03:11 PM, James Labocki wrote:
> I realize that updates of aeolus may not yet be supported.

Have you tried updating an ran into problems? Outside the conductor db, 
I'm not sure why we wouldn't be able to update. After the packages have 
been updated subsequent runs of aeolus-configure should take care of the 
configuration of any additional components. I don't think this has been 
extensively tested (eg aeolus-configure after an update w/out an 
intermediate aeolus-cleanup) but would love it if someone tried and 
reported the results.

The conductor db is tricky because one its initialized, configure will 
skip over it, eg no subsequent migrations will be run. Perhaps we can 
update configure to check for new migrations, and run those if not yet 

>   The ability to update is important, especially because building images requires HVM and snapshots on physical systems (LVM or otherwise) are less likely to exist then with a physical system. If updates are not possible, then guidance on removing and re-installing would be helpful.

/me has not fully tested this, but I imagine running the following would 

$ sudo aeolus-cleanup
$ sudo yum remove aeolus-conductor iwhd rubygem-aeolus-image 
rubygem-aeolus-cli imagefactory aeolus-all deltacloud-core 
aeolus-configure   # i believe this covers all the components

$ sudo yum install aeolus-all
$ sudo aeolus-configure

> Also, it appears that when `yum update aeolus-all` is run, aeolus-configure is not included in the update. Instead, `yum update aeolus-configure aeolus-conductor` must be run to get both. Is there a method for ensuring all packages are updated by updating a single package?

Perhaps you already have the latest version of configure but not of 
conductor? (what version of configure do you have?)


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