[PATCH 2/3] missied one rename

Dan Radez dradez at redhat.com
Tue Dec 6 21:11:11 UTC 2011

 agent/test_audrey_agent.py   |  692 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 agent/test_audrey_startup.py |  692 ------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 692 insertions(+), 692 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 agent/test_audrey_agent.py
 delete mode 100644 agent/test_audrey_startup.py

diff --git a/agent/test_audrey_agent.py b/agent/test_audrey_agent.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d87c05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/test_audrey_agent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+*   Copyright [2011] [Red Hat, Inc.]
+*   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+*   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+*   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+*   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+*   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+*   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+*   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+*   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+*  limitations under the License.
+ test_audrey_agent.py
+ Test program for audrey_agent
+import base64
+import logging
+import os
+import os.path
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import sys
+import tarfile
+from audrey_agent import CSClient
+from audrey_agent import ConfigTooling
+from audrey_agent import ASError
+from audrey_agent import parse_args
+from audrey_agent import parse_provides_params
+from audrey_agent import parse_require_config
+from audrey_agent import audrey_script_main
+from audrey_agent import gen_env
+from audrey_agent import _run_cmd, _run_pipe_cmd
+from audrey_agent import generate_provides
+from audrey_agent import setup_logging
+from audrey_agent import discover_config_server
+# Helpers and utils
+DUMMY_USER_DATA = '1|http://example.com/|oauthConsumer|oauthSecret'
+DUMMY_CS_CONFIG = {'endpoint': 'http://example.com/',
+                   'oauth_key': 'oauthConsumer',
+                   'oauth_secret': 'oauthSecret',}
+    from cStringIO import StringIO as BIO
+except ImportError: # python 3
+    from io import BytesIO as BIO
+class HttpUnitTest(object):
+    '''
+    Description:
+        When testing the http object does not exists. This class provides
+        test methods that could be preformed when doing UNITTESTing.
+    '''
+    class HttpUnitTestResponse(object):
+        '''
+        Description:
+            When testing the http object does not exists. This class
+            provides the test method response that could be preformed
+            when doing UNITTESTing.
+        '''
+        def __init__(self, status):
+            self.status = status
+        def add_content_disposition(self):
+            self.__dict__['content-disposition'] = \
+                                   'attachment; filename=test.tar.gz'
+        def __getitem__(self, key):
+            return self.__dict__[key]
+    # simple HTTP Response with 200 status code
+    ok_response = HttpUnitTestResponse(200)
+    not_found_response = HttpUnitTestResponse(404)
+    def request(self, url, method='GET', body=None, headers=None):
+        '''
+        Handle request when not running live but in test environment.
+        '''
+        body = ''
+        response = HttpUnitTest.ok_response
+        if method == 'GET':
+            if url.find('/configs/') > -1:
+                body = '|service|s1|parameters|param1&%s|param2&%s|' % \
+                    (base64.b64encode('value1'), base64.b64encode('value2'))
+            elif url.find('/params/') > -1:
+                body = '|param1&param2|'
+            elif url.find('/files/') > -1:
+                file_out = BIO()
+                tar = tarfile.open(mode = "w:gz", fileobj = file_out)
+                tar.add('/etc/passwd')
+                tar.close()
+                body = file_out.getvalue()
+                response.add_content_disposition()
+            elif url.endswith('/user-data'):
+                body = base64.b64encode(DUMMY_USER_DATA)
+            elif url.endswith('/no-version-user-data'):
+                body = base64.b64encode('0|endpoint')
+            elif url.endswith('/empty-user-data'):
+                body = base64.b64encode('')
+            elif url.endswith('/gimmie-404'):
+                body = base64.b64encode(DUMMY_USER_DATA)
+                response = HttpUnitTest.not_found_response
+            else:
+                print url
+                response = HttpUnitTest.not_found_response
+        #elif method == 'POST' and url.find('/params/') > -1:
+        #    body = ''
+        return response, body
+def _write_info_file(filepath, cloud):
+    f = open(filepath, 'w')
+    f.write(cloud)
+    f.close()
+# The actual tests
+class TestAudreyStarupRunCmds(unittest.TestCase):
+    '''
+    Test the _run*cmd functions
+    '''
+    def test_success_run_pipe_cmd(self):
+        self.assertEqual("'test'\n",
+            _run_pipe_cmd(["echo", "'test'"], ["grep", "test"])['out'])
+    def test_cmd2_fail_run_pipe_cmd(self):
+        self.assertEqual("[Errno 2] No such file or directory",
+            _run_pipe_cmd(["echo", "'test'"], ["notreal"])['err'])
+    def test_cmd1_fail_run_pipe_cmd(self):
+        self.assertEqual("[Errno 2] No such file or directory",
+            _run_pipe_cmd(["notreal"], ["echo", "'test'"])['err'])
+class TestAudreyStartupConfigTooling(unittest.TestCase):
+    '''
+    Make sure all the Config tooling is tested
+    '''
+    def test_is_user_supplied(self):
+        ConfigTooling('test_tooling').is_user_supplied()
+    def test_is_rh_supplied(self):
+        ConfigTooling('test_tooling').is_rh_supplied()
+    def test_empty_find_tooling(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ASError, ConfigTooling('test_tooling').find_tooling, '')
+    def test_fail_to_create_tooling_dir(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ASError, ConfigTooling, tool_dir='/not/real/dir')
+class TestAudreyStartupRequiredConfig(unittest.TestCase):
+    '''
+    Class for exercising the parsing of the Required Configs from the CS.
+    '''
+    def setUp(self):
+        '''
+        Perform required setup including setting up logging.
+        '''
+        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, './test_audrey_agent.log')
+    def test_success_service_n_params(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid input
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = '|service|jon1' + \
+            '|parameters|jon_server_ip&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
+            '|jon_server_ip_2&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
+            '|jon_server_ip_3&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
+            '|service|jon2|'
+        validation_dict = {'AUDREY_VAR_jon1_jon_server_ip' : '',
+            'AUDREY_VAR_jon1_jon_server_ip_2' : '',
+            'AUDREY_VAR_jon1_jon_server_ip_3' : '' }
+        print '\nTest Name: test_success_service_n_params()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() success'
+        # Exersise code segment
+        services = parse_require_config(src)
+        # Validate results
+        self.assertEqual(services[0].name, 'jon1')
+        self.assertEqual(services[1].name, 'jon2')
+        for service in services:
+            for param in service.params:
+                name_val = param.split('&')
+                env_var  = 'AUDREY_VAR_' + service.name + '_' + name_val[0]
+                print 'name_val[0]:   ' + str(name_val[0])
+                print 'param:         ' + str(param)
+                print 'services.name: ' + str(service.name)
+                cmd = ['/usr/bin/printenv', env_var]
+                ret = _run_cmd(cmd)
+                self.assertEqual(ret['out'][:-1], \
+                    validation_dict[env_var])
+    def test_success_empty_source(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid empty input
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = '||'
+        print '\nTest Name: test_success_empty_source()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() success'
+        # Exersise code segment
+        services = parse_require_config(src)
+        print 'services: ' + str(services)
+        # Validate results
+        self.assertEqual(services, [])
+    def test_success_empty_service(self):
+        '''
+        Failure case:
+        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid input
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = '|service|' + \
+            '|parameters|jon_server_ip&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
+            '|jon_server_ip_2&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
+            '|jon_server_ip_3&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
+            '|service|jon2|'
+        validation_dict = {'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip' : '',
+            'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip_2' : '',
+            'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip_3' : '' }
+        print '\nTest Name: test_success_empty_service()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() success'
+        # Exersise code segment
+        services = parse_require_config(src)
+        # Validate results
+        self.assertEqual(services[0].name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(services[1].name, 'jon2')
+        for service in services:
+            for param in service.params:
+                name_val = param.split('&')
+                env_var  = 'AUDREY_VAR_' + name_val[0]
+                print 'name_val[0]:   ' + str(name_val[0])
+                print 'param:         ' + str(param)
+                print 'services.name: ' + str(service.name)
+                cmd = ['/usr/bin/printenv', env_var]
+                ret = _run_cmd(cmd)
+                self.assertEqual(ret['out'][:-1], \
+                    validation_dict[env_var])
+    def test_failure_no_services_name(self):
+        '''
+        Failure case:
+        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid input
+        The slight difference between this test and test_success_empty_services
+        is the success case has an empty service name indicated by "||":
+        |service||paramseters
+        and the failure case has no service name:
+        |service|paramseters
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = '|service' \
+            '|parameters|jon_server_ip&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
+            '|jon_server_ip_2&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
+            '|jon_server_ip_3&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
+            '|service|jon2|'
+        validation_dict = {'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip' : '',
+            'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip_2' : '',
+            'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip_3' : '' }
+        print '\nTest Name: test_failure_no_service_names()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() success'
+        # Exersise code segment
+        with self.assertRaises(ASError):
+            print 'parse_require_config returned: ' + \
+                str(parse_require_config(src))
+    def test_failure_bad_service_name(self):
+        '''
+        Failure case:
+        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid input
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = '|service|parameters|'
+        print '\nTest Name: test_failure_bad_service_name()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() ASError'
+        # Exersise code segment
+        with self.assertRaises(ASError):
+            print 'parse_require_config returned: ' + \
+                str(parse_require_config(src))
+class TestAudreyStartupDiscovery(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        '''
+        Perform required setup including setting up logging.
+        '''
+        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, 'test_audrey_agent.log')
+        self.cloud_info_file = 'cloud_info'
+        self.condor_addr_file = 'condor_addr'
+        self.condor_uuid_file = 'condor_uuid'
+    def tearDown(self):
+        os.remove(self.cloud_info_file)
+        if os.path.exists(self.condor_addr_file):
+            os.remove(self.condor_addr_file)
+        if os.path.exists(self.condor_uuid_file):
+            os.remove(self.condor_uuid_file)
+    def test_ec2(self):
+        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
+        discover_config_server(self.cloud_info_file, http=HttpUnitTest())
+    def test_ec2_404(self):
+        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
+        self.assertRaises(ASError,
+            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file, http=HttpUnitTest(),
+            ec2_user_data='')
+    def test_condorcloud(self):
+        _write_info_file(self.condor_addr_file, '1|endpoint|secret')
+        _write_info_file(self.condor_uuid_file, 'key')
+        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'CONDORCLOUD')
+        discover_config_server(self.cloud_info_file,
+                               condor_addr_file=self.condor_addr_file,
+                               condor_uuid_file=self.condor_uuid_file)
+    def test_rhev(self):
+        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'RHEV')
+        self.assertRaises(ASError,
+            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file)
+    def test_vsphere(self):
+        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'VSPHERE')
+        self.assertRaises(ASError,
+            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file)
+    def test_invalid_user_data_version(self):
+        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
+        self.assertRaises(ASError,
+            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file, http=HttpUnitTest(),
+            ec2_user_data='')
+    def test_invalid_user_data_no_delim(self):
+        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
+        self.assertRaises(ASError,
+            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file, http=HttpUnitTest(),
+            ec2_user_data='')
+class TestAudreyStartupProvidesParameters(unittest.TestCase):
+    '''
+    Class for exercising the parsing of the Provides ParametersConfigs
+    from the CS.
+    '''
+    def setUp(self):
+        '''
+        Perform required setup including setting up logging.
+        '''
+        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, './test_audrey_agent.log')
+    def test_success_parameters(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
+          with valid input
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = '|operatingsystem&is_virtual|'
+        print '\nTest Name: test_success_parameters()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_provides_params() success'
+        expected_params_list = ['operatingsystem', 'is_virtual']
+        # Exersise code segment
+        params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
+        provides = generate_provides(src)
+        print 'src: ' + str(src)
+        print 'params_list: ' + str(params_list)
+        print 'provides: ' + str(provides)
+        print 'len(provides): ' + str(len(provides))
+        # Validate results
+        self.assertEqual(params_list, expected_params_list)
+        # The values are not validatable because they are unpredictable
+        # but all the expected parameters should be returned.
+        # Note: %7C is the encoded |, %26 is the encoded &
+        self.assertTrue('audrey_data=%7Coperatingsystem' in provides)
+        for param in expected_params_list:
+            self.assertTrue('%7C' + str(param) in provides)
+    def test_success_no_params(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
+          with valid input
+        - Containging an unavailable parameter
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = '|uptime_days&unavailable_dogs&ipaddress|'
+        print '\nTest Name: test_success_no_params()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_provides_params() success'
+        expected_params_list = ['uptime_days', 'unavailable_dogs', 'ipaddress']
+        # Exersise code segment
+        params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
+        provides = generate_provides(src)
+        print 'src: ' + str(src)
+        print 'params_list: ' + str(params_list)
+        print 'provides: ' + str(provides)
+        # Validate results
+        self.assertEqual(params_list, expected_params_list)
+        # The values are not validatable because they are unpredictable
+        # but all the expected parameters should be returned.
+        # Note: %7C is the encoded |, %26 is the encoded &
+        for param in expected_params_list:
+            self.assertTrue('%7C' + str(param) in provides)
+        # Confirm unavailable parameters return an empty string.
+        self.assertTrue('%7C' + 'unavailable_dogs' + '%26%7C' in provides)
+    def test_success_one_parameters(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
+          with valid input
+        - with only one parameter
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = '|uptime_days|'
+        print '\nTest Name: test_success_parameters()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_provides_params() success'
+        expected_params_list = ['uptime_days']
+        # Exersise code segment
+        params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
+        provides = generate_provides(src)
+        print 'src: ' + str(src)
+        print 'params_list: ' + str(params_list)
+        print 'provides: ' + str(provides)
+        # Validate results
+        self.assertEqual(params_list, expected_params_list)
+        # The values are not validatable because they are unpredictable
+        # but all the expected parameters should be returned.
+        # Note: %7C is the encoded |, %26 is the encoded &
+        for param in expected_params_list:
+            self.assertTrue('%7C' + str(param) in provides)
+    def test_success_one_parameter(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
+          with valid input
+        - With only one parameter which is unavailable
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = '|unavailable_dogs|'
+        print '\nTest Name: test_success_one_parameter()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_provides_params() success'
+        expected_params_list = ['unavailable_dogs']
+        # Exersise code segment
+        params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
+        provides = generate_provides(src)
+        print 'src: ' + str(src)
+        print 'params_list: ' + str(params_list)
+        print 'provides: ' + str(provides)
+        # Validate results
+        self.assertEqual(params_list, expected_params_list)
+        # The values are not validatable because they are unpredictable
+        # but all the expected parameters should be returned.
+        # Note: %7C is the encoded |, %26 is the encoded &
+        for param in expected_params_list:
+            self.assertTrue('%7C' + str(param) in provides)
+        # Confirm unavailable parameters return an empty string.
+        self.assertTrue('%7C' + 'unavailable_dogs' + '%26%7C' in provides)
+    def test_failure_missing_delimiter(self):
+        '''
+        Failure case:
+        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
+          with invalid input
+        - missing leading delimiter
+        '''
+        # Establish valid test data:
+        src = 'unavailable_dogs|'
+        print '\nTest Name: test_failure_missing_delimiter()'
+        print 'Test input:\n' + src
+        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() ASError'
+        expected_params_list = ['unavailable_dogs']
+        # Exersise code segment and validate results
+        with self.assertRaises(ASError):
+            params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
+        with self.assertRaises(ASError):
+            provides = generate_provides(src)
+class TestConfigServerClient(unittest.TestCase):
+    '''
+    Class for exercising the gets and put to and from the CS
+    '''
+    def setUp(self):
+        '''
+        If the cloud info file is not present assume running in a
+        UNITTEST environment. This will allow for exercising some
+        of the code without having to be running in a cloud VM.
+        Set up logging.
+        '''
+        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, './test_audrey_agent.log')
+        # Create the client Object
+        self.cs_client = CSClient(**DUMMY_CS_CONFIG)
+        self.cs_client.http = HttpUnitTest()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        pass
+    def test_success_get_cs_configs(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise get_cs_configs()
+        '''
+        print '\n\n--- Test Name: test_success_get_cs_configs ---'
+        self.cs_client.get_cs_configs()
+        # Add asserts
+        print 'test_success_get_cs_configs() Add asserts'
+        print 'self.cs_client : START \n' + str(self.cs_client) + \
+            '\nself.cs_client : END'
+    def test_success_get_cs_tooling(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise get_cs_tooling()
+        '''
+        self.cs_client.get_cs_tooling()
+    def test_success_get_cs_params(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise get_cs_params()
+        '''
+        print '\n\n--- Test Name: test_success_get_cs_params ---'
+        self.cs_client.get_cs_params()
+        # Add asserts
+        print 'test_success_get_cs_params() Add asserts'
+        print 'self.cs_client : START \n' + str(self.cs_client) + \
+            '\nself.cs_client : END'
+    def test_success_get_cs_confs_n_params(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise get_cs_configs() and get_cs_params()
+        '''
+        print '\n\n--- Test Name: test_success_get_cs_confs_and_params ---'
+        self.cs_client.get_cs_configs()
+        self.cs_client.get_cs_params()
+        # Add asserts
+        print 'test_success_get_cs_confs_n_params() Add asserts'
+        print 'self.cs_client : START \n' + str(self.cs_client) + \
+            '\nself.cs_client : END'
+        print 'test_success_get_cs_confs_n_params() Add asserts'
+    def test_success_put_cs_params_values(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise put_cs_params_values()
+        '''
+        self.cs_client.put_cs_params_values('')
+    def test_error_http_status(self):
+        '''
+        Success case:
+        - Exercise put_cs_params_values()
+        '''
+        self.assertRaises(ASError, self.cs_client._validate_http_status, 401)
+class TestAudreyScript(unittest.TestCase):
+    '''
+    Class for exercising the full audrey script functionality
+    '''
+    def setUp(self):
+        '''
+        Perform required setup including setting up logging.
+        This test currently require to be run in a cloud VM
+        with a live Config Server.
+        '''
+        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, './test_audrey_agent.log')
+        # make a copy of argv
+        self.argv = list(sys.argv)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        # replace argv
+        sys.argv = list(self.argv)
+    def test_audrey_script_main(self):
+        '''
+        Perform what the audrey script will do.
+        '''
+        cloud_info_file = 'cloud_info'
+        sys.argv.extend(['-p'])
+        _write_info_file(cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
+        audrey_script_main(HttpUnitTest())
+        os.remove(cloud_info_file)
+    def test_fail_audrey_script_main(self):
+        '''
+        Perform what the audrey script will do.
+        '''
+        self.assertRaises(ASError, audrey_script_main)
+    def test_empty_gen_env(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ASError, gen_env, '', '')
+    # doesn't actually test what I wanted it to.
+    #def test_parse_require_config(self):
+    #    self.assertRaises(ASError, parse_require_config, '')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, logfile_name='./test_audrey_agent.log')
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/agent/test_audrey_startup.py b/agent/test_audrey_startup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d87c05f..0000000
--- a/agent/test_audrey_startup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-*   Copyright [2011] [Red Hat, Inc.]
-*   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-*   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-*   You may obtain a copy of the License at
-*   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-*   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-*   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-*   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-*   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-*  limitations under the License.
- test_audrey_agent.py
- Test program for audrey_agent
-import base64
-import logging
-import os
-import os.path
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import sys
-import tarfile
-from audrey_agent import CSClient
-from audrey_agent import ConfigTooling
-from audrey_agent import ASError
-from audrey_agent import parse_args
-from audrey_agent import parse_provides_params
-from audrey_agent import parse_require_config
-from audrey_agent import audrey_script_main
-from audrey_agent import gen_env
-from audrey_agent import _run_cmd, _run_pipe_cmd
-from audrey_agent import generate_provides
-from audrey_agent import setup_logging
-from audrey_agent import discover_config_server
-# Helpers and utils
-DUMMY_USER_DATA = '1|http://example.com/|oauthConsumer|oauthSecret'
-DUMMY_CS_CONFIG = {'endpoint': 'http://example.com/',
-                   'oauth_key': 'oauthConsumer',
-                   'oauth_secret': 'oauthSecret',}
-    from cStringIO import StringIO as BIO
-except ImportError: # python 3
-    from io import BytesIO as BIO
-class HttpUnitTest(object):
-    '''
-    Description:
-        When testing the http object does not exists. This class provides
-        test methods that could be preformed when doing UNITTESTing.
-    '''
-    class HttpUnitTestResponse(object):
-        '''
-        Description:
-            When testing the http object does not exists. This class
-            provides the test method response that could be preformed
-            when doing UNITTESTing.
-        '''
-        def __init__(self, status):
-            self.status = status
-        def add_content_disposition(self):
-            self.__dict__['content-disposition'] = \
-                                   'attachment; filename=test.tar.gz'
-        def __getitem__(self, key):
-            return self.__dict__[key]
-    # simple HTTP Response with 200 status code
-    ok_response = HttpUnitTestResponse(200)
-    not_found_response = HttpUnitTestResponse(404)
-    def request(self, url, method='GET', body=None, headers=None):
-        '''
-        Handle request when not running live but in test environment.
-        '''
-        body = ''
-        response = HttpUnitTest.ok_response
-        if method == 'GET':
-            if url.find('/configs/') > -1:
-                body = '|service|s1|parameters|param1&%s|param2&%s|' % \
-                    (base64.b64encode('value1'), base64.b64encode('value2'))
-            elif url.find('/params/') > -1:
-                body = '|param1&param2|'
-            elif url.find('/files/') > -1:
-                file_out = BIO()
-                tar = tarfile.open(mode = "w:gz", fileobj = file_out)
-                tar.add('/etc/passwd')
-                tar.close()
-                body = file_out.getvalue()
-                response.add_content_disposition()
-            elif url.endswith('/user-data'):
-                body = base64.b64encode(DUMMY_USER_DATA)
-            elif url.endswith('/no-version-user-data'):
-                body = base64.b64encode('0|endpoint')
-            elif url.endswith('/empty-user-data'):
-                body = base64.b64encode('')
-            elif url.endswith('/gimmie-404'):
-                body = base64.b64encode(DUMMY_USER_DATA)
-                response = HttpUnitTest.not_found_response
-            else:
-                print url
-                response = HttpUnitTest.not_found_response
-        #elif method == 'POST' and url.find('/params/') > -1:
-        #    body = ''
-        return response, body
-def _write_info_file(filepath, cloud):
-    f = open(filepath, 'w')
-    f.write(cloud)
-    f.close()
-# The actual tests
-class TestAudreyStarupRunCmds(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Test the _run*cmd functions
-    '''
-    def test_success_run_pipe_cmd(self):
-        self.assertEqual("'test'\n",
-            _run_pipe_cmd(["echo", "'test'"], ["grep", "test"])['out'])
-    def test_cmd2_fail_run_pipe_cmd(self):
-        self.assertEqual("[Errno 2] No such file or directory",
-            _run_pipe_cmd(["echo", "'test'"], ["notreal"])['err'])
-    def test_cmd1_fail_run_pipe_cmd(self):
-        self.assertEqual("[Errno 2] No such file or directory",
-            _run_pipe_cmd(["notreal"], ["echo", "'test'"])['err'])
-class TestAudreyStartupConfigTooling(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Make sure all the Config tooling is tested
-    '''
-    def test_is_user_supplied(self):
-        ConfigTooling('test_tooling').is_user_supplied()
-    def test_is_rh_supplied(self):
-        ConfigTooling('test_tooling').is_rh_supplied()
-    def test_empty_find_tooling(self):
-        self.assertRaises(ASError, ConfigTooling('test_tooling').find_tooling, '')
-    def test_fail_to_create_tooling_dir(self):
-        self.assertRaises(ASError, ConfigTooling, tool_dir='/not/real/dir')
-class TestAudreyStartupRequiredConfig(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Class for exercising the parsing of the Required Configs from the CS.
-    '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        '''
-        Perform required setup including setting up logging.
-        '''
-        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, './test_audrey_agent.log')
-    def test_success_service_n_params(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid input
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = '|service|jon1' + \
-            '|parameters|jon_server_ip&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
-            '|jon_server_ip_2&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
-            '|jon_server_ip_3&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
-            '|service|jon2|'
-        validation_dict = {'AUDREY_VAR_jon1_jon_server_ip' : '',
-            'AUDREY_VAR_jon1_jon_server_ip_2' : '',
-            'AUDREY_VAR_jon1_jon_server_ip_3' : '' }
-        print '\nTest Name: test_success_service_n_params()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() success'
-        # Exersise code segment
-        services = parse_require_config(src)
-        # Validate results
-        self.assertEqual(services[0].name, 'jon1')
-        self.assertEqual(services[1].name, 'jon2')
-        for service in services:
-            for param in service.params:
-                name_val = param.split('&')
-                env_var  = 'AUDREY_VAR_' + service.name + '_' + name_val[0]
-                print 'name_val[0]:   ' + str(name_val[0])
-                print 'param:         ' + str(param)
-                print 'services.name: ' + str(service.name)
-                cmd = ['/usr/bin/printenv', env_var]
-                ret = _run_cmd(cmd)
-                self.assertEqual(ret['out'][:-1], \
-                    validation_dict[env_var])
-    def test_success_empty_source(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid empty input
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = '||'
-        print '\nTest Name: test_success_empty_source()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() success'
-        # Exersise code segment
-        services = parse_require_config(src)
-        print 'services: ' + str(services)
-        # Validate results
-        self.assertEqual(services, [])
-    def test_success_empty_service(self):
-        '''
-        Failure case:
-        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid input
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = '|service|' + \
-            '|parameters|jon_server_ip&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
-            '|jon_server_ip_2&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
-            '|jon_server_ip_3&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
-            '|service|jon2|'
-        validation_dict = {'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip' : '',
-            'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip_2' : '',
-            'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip_3' : '' }
-        print '\nTest Name: test_success_empty_service()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() success'
-        # Exersise code segment
-        services = parse_require_config(src)
-        # Validate results
-        self.assertEqual(services[0].name, '')
-        self.assertEqual(services[1].name, 'jon2')
-        for service in services:
-            for param in service.params:
-                name_val = param.split('&')
-                env_var  = 'AUDREY_VAR_' + name_val[0]
-                print 'name_val[0]:   ' + str(name_val[0])
-                print 'param:         ' + str(param)
-                print 'services.name: ' + str(service.name)
-                cmd = ['/usr/bin/printenv', env_var]
-                ret = _run_cmd(cmd)
-                self.assertEqual(ret['out'][:-1], \
-                    validation_dict[env_var])
-    def test_failure_no_services_name(self):
-        '''
-        Failure case:
-        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid input
-        The slight difference between this test and test_success_empty_services
-        is the success case has an empty service name indicated by "||":
-        |service||paramseters
-        and the failure case has no service name:
-        |service|paramseters
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = '|service' \
-            '|parameters|jon_server_ip&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
-            '|jon_server_ip_2&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
-            '|jon_server_ip_3&' + base64.b64encode('') + \
-            '|service|jon2|'
-        validation_dict = {'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip' : '',
-            'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip_2' : '',
-            'AUDREY_VAR_jon_server_ip_3' : '' }
-        print '\nTest Name: test_failure_no_service_names()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() success'
-        # Exersise code segment
-        with self.assertRaises(ASError):
-            print 'parse_require_config returned: ' + \
-                str(parse_require_config(src))
-    def test_failure_bad_service_name(self):
-        '''
-        Failure case:
-        - Exercise parse_require_config() with valid input
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = '|service|parameters|'
-        print '\nTest Name: test_failure_bad_service_name()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() ASError'
-        # Exersise code segment
-        with self.assertRaises(ASError):
-            print 'parse_require_config returned: ' + \
-                str(parse_require_config(src))
-class TestAudreyStartupDiscovery(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        '''
-        Perform required setup including setting up logging.
-        '''
-        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, 'test_audrey_agent.log')
-        self.cloud_info_file = 'cloud_info'
-        self.condor_addr_file = 'condor_addr'
-        self.condor_uuid_file = 'condor_uuid'
-    def tearDown(self):
-        os.remove(self.cloud_info_file)
-        if os.path.exists(self.condor_addr_file):
-            os.remove(self.condor_addr_file)
-        if os.path.exists(self.condor_uuid_file):
-            os.remove(self.condor_uuid_file)
-    def test_ec2(self):
-        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
-        discover_config_server(self.cloud_info_file, http=HttpUnitTest())
-    def test_ec2_404(self):
-        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
-        self.assertRaises(ASError,
-            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file, http=HttpUnitTest(),
-            ec2_user_data='')
-    def test_condorcloud(self):
-        _write_info_file(self.condor_addr_file, '1|endpoint|secret')
-        _write_info_file(self.condor_uuid_file, 'key')
-        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'CONDORCLOUD')
-        discover_config_server(self.cloud_info_file,
-                               condor_addr_file=self.condor_addr_file,
-                               condor_uuid_file=self.condor_uuid_file)
-    def test_rhev(self):
-        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'RHEV')
-        self.assertRaises(ASError,
-            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file)
-    def test_vsphere(self):
-        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'VSPHERE')
-        self.assertRaises(ASError,
-            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file)
-    def test_invalid_user_data_version(self):
-        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
-        self.assertRaises(ASError,
-            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file, http=HttpUnitTest(),
-            ec2_user_data='')
-    def test_invalid_user_data_no_delim(self):
-        _write_info_file(self.cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
-        self.assertRaises(ASError,
-            discover_config_server, self.cloud_info_file, http=HttpUnitTest(),
-            ec2_user_data='')
-class TestAudreyStartupProvidesParameters(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Class for exercising the parsing of the Provides ParametersConfigs
-    from the CS.
-    '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        '''
-        Perform required setup including setting up logging.
-        '''
-        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, './test_audrey_agent.log')
-    def test_success_parameters(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
-          with valid input
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = '|operatingsystem&is_virtual|'
-        print '\nTest Name: test_success_parameters()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_provides_params() success'
-        expected_params_list = ['operatingsystem', 'is_virtual']
-        # Exersise code segment
-        params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
-        provides = generate_provides(src)
-        print 'src: ' + str(src)
-        print 'params_list: ' + str(params_list)
-        print 'provides: ' + str(provides)
-        print 'len(provides): ' + str(len(provides))
-        # Validate results
-        self.assertEqual(params_list, expected_params_list)
-        # The values are not validatable because they are unpredictable
-        # but all the expected parameters should be returned.
-        # Note: %7C is the encoded |, %26 is the encoded &
-        self.assertTrue('audrey_data=%7Coperatingsystem' in provides)
-        for param in expected_params_list:
-            self.assertTrue('%7C' + str(param) in provides)
-    def test_success_no_params(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
-          with valid input
-        - Containging an unavailable parameter
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = '|uptime_days&unavailable_dogs&ipaddress|'
-        print '\nTest Name: test_success_no_params()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_provides_params() success'
-        expected_params_list = ['uptime_days', 'unavailable_dogs', 'ipaddress']
-        # Exersise code segment
-        params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
-        provides = generate_provides(src)
-        print 'src: ' + str(src)
-        print 'params_list: ' + str(params_list)
-        print 'provides: ' + str(provides)
-        # Validate results
-        self.assertEqual(params_list, expected_params_list)
-        # The values are not validatable because they are unpredictable
-        # but all the expected parameters should be returned.
-        # Note: %7C is the encoded |, %26 is the encoded &
-        for param in expected_params_list:
-            self.assertTrue('%7C' + str(param) in provides)
-        # Confirm unavailable parameters return an empty string.
-        self.assertTrue('%7C' + 'unavailable_dogs' + '%26%7C' in provides)
-    def test_success_one_parameters(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
-          with valid input
-        - with only one parameter
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = '|uptime_days|'
-        print '\nTest Name: test_success_parameters()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_provides_params() success'
-        expected_params_list = ['uptime_days']
-        # Exersise code segment
-        params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
-        provides = generate_provides(src)
-        print 'src: ' + str(src)
-        print 'params_list: ' + str(params_list)
-        print 'provides: ' + str(provides)
-        # Validate results
-        self.assertEqual(params_list, expected_params_list)
-        # The values are not validatable because they are unpredictable
-        # but all the expected parameters should be returned.
-        # Note: %7C is the encoded |, %26 is the encoded &
-        for param in expected_params_list:
-            self.assertTrue('%7C' + str(param) in provides)
-    def test_success_one_parameter(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
-          with valid input
-        - With only one parameter which is unavailable
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = '|unavailable_dogs|'
-        print '\nTest Name: test_success_one_parameter()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_provides_params() success'
-        expected_params_list = ['unavailable_dogs']
-        # Exersise code segment
-        params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
-        provides = generate_provides(src)
-        print 'src: ' + str(src)
-        print 'params_list: ' + str(params_list)
-        print 'provides: ' + str(provides)
-        # Validate results
-        self.assertEqual(params_list, expected_params_list)
-        # The values are not validatable because they are unpredictable
-        # but all the expected parameters should be returned.
-        # Note: %7C is the encoded |, %26 is the encoded &
-        for param in expected_params_list:
-            self.assertTrue('%7C' + str(param) in provides)
-        # Confirm unavailable parameters return an empty string.
-        self.assertTrue('%7C' + 'unavailable_dogs' + '%26%7C' in provides)
-    def test_failure_missing_delimiter(self):
-        '''
-        Failure case:
-        - Exercise parse_provides_params() and generate_provides()
-          with invalid input
-        - missing leading delimiter
-        '''
-        # Establish valid test data:
-        src = 'unavailable_dogs|'
-        print '\nTest Name: test_failure_missing_delimiter()'
-        print 'Test input:\n' + src
-        print 'Expect: parse_require_config() ASError'
-        expected_params_list = ['unavailable_dogs']
-        # Exersise code segment and validate results
-        with self.assertRaises(ASError):
-            params_list = parse_provides_params(src)
-        with self.assertRaises(ASError):
-            provides = generate_provides(src)
-class TestConfigServerClient(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Class for exercising the gets and put to and from the CS
-    '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        '''
-        If the cloud info file is not present assume running in a
-        UNITTEST environment. This will allow for exercising some
-        of the code without having to be running in a cloud VM.
-        Set up logging.
-        '''
-        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, './test_audrey_agent.log')
-        # Create the client Object
-        self.cs_client = CSClient(**DUMMY_CS_CONFIG)
-        self.cs_client.http = HttpUnitTest()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        pass
-    def test_success_get_cs_configs(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise get_cs_configs()
-        '''
-        print '\n\n--- Test Name: test_success_get_cs_configs ---'
-        self.cs_client.get_cs_configs()
-        # Add asserts
-        print 'test_success_get_cs_configs() Add asserts'
-        print 'self.cs_client : START \n' + str(self.cs_client) + \
-            '\nself.cs_client : END'
-    def test_success_get_cs_tooling(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise get_cs_tooling()
-        '''
-        self.cs_client.get_cs_tooling()
-    def test_success_get_cs_params(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise get_cs_params()
-        '''
-        print '\n\n--- Test Name: test_success_get_cs_params ---'
-        self.cs_client.get_cs_params()
-        # Add asserts
-        print 'test_success_get_cs_params() Add asserts'
-        print 'self.cs_client : START \n' + str(self.cs_client) + \
-            '\nself.cs_client : END'
-    def test_success_get_cs_confs_n_params(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise get_cs_configs() and get_cs_params()
-        '''
-        print '\n\n--- Test Name: test_success_get_cs_confs_and_params ---'
-        self.cs_client.get_cs_configs()
-        self.cs_client.get_cs_params()
-        # Add asserts
-        print 'test_success_get_cs_confs_n_params() Add asserts'
-        print 'self.cs_client : START \n' + str(self.cs_client) + \
-            '\nself.cs_client : END'
-        print 'test_success_get_cs_confs_n_params() Add asserts'
-    def test_success_put_cs_params_values(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise put_cs_params_values()
-        '''
-        self.cs_client.put_cs_params_values('')
-    def test_error_http_status(self):
-        '''
-        Success case:
-        - Exercise put_cs_params_values()
-        '''
-        self.assertRaises(ASError, self.cs_client._validate_http_status, 401)
-class TestAudreyScript(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Class for exercising the full audrey script functionality
-    '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        '''
-        Perform required setup including setting up logging.
-        This test currently require to be run in a cloud VM
-        with a live Config Server.
-        '''
-        setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, './test_audrey_agent.log')
-        # make a copy of argv
-        self.argv = list(sys.argv)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        # replace argv
-        sys.argv = list(self.argv)
-    def test_audrey_script_main(self):
-        '''
-        Perform what the audrey script will do.
-        '''
-        cloud_info_file = 'cloud_info'
-        sys.argv.extend(['-p'])
-        _write_info_file(cloud_info_file, 'EC2')
-        audrey_script_main(HttpUnitTest())
-        os.remove(cloud_info_file)
-    def test_fail_audrey_script_main(self):
-        '''
-        Perform what the audrey script will do.
-        '''
-        self.assertRaises(ASError, audrey_script_main)
-    def test_empty_gen_env(self):
-        self.assertRaises(ASError, gen_env, '', '')
-    # doesn't actually test what I wanted it to.
-    #def test_parse_require_config(self):
-    #    self.assertRaises(ASError, parse_require_config, '')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, logfile_name='./test_audrey_agent.log')
-    unittest.main()

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