  • 32 participants
  • 39 discussions
missing attribute "sambaGroupType" when attempting to create a new group - creating groups worked previously
by Tom Spettigue
2 months, 2 weeks
Using ipa-ca-install on a replica
by Ian Kumlien
2 months, 2 weeks
Support for Azure AD authentication with on-prem AD forest-trust identities
by Jonathan Calmels
2 months, 2 weeks
Re: Cannot enroll a 4.9 client to 4.10 server fails with PrincipalName not found
by Rob Crittenden
2 months, 2 weeks
Cannot enroll a 4.9 client to 4.10 server fails with PrincipalName not found
by Kroon PC, Peter
2 months, 2 weeks
Failed FreeIPA replica installation
by D S
2 months, 2 weeks
Re: ipa-setup-ca
by Pagan, Omar
2 months, 2 weeks
ipa: ERROR: No valid Negotiate header - from/in container replica
by lejeczek
2 months, 2 weeks
"Internal server error 'Link'" from ClonesConnectivyAndDataCheck health check on RHEL 8 when talking to RHEL 9 server
by Sam Morris
2 months, 2 weeks
ipa-getcert request results in CA_REJECTED, on an enrolled host
by Bo Lind
2 months, 2 weeks
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